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Self-Discipline, Own your mind

whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are, just whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of a good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise think on these things don't let the bad eat up the good think.

   On these good things you cannot win the war against the world, if you can't win the war against your own mind, the marines have a saying everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die and that's just real at the center of bringing any dream into fruition is self-discipline.

 This is not something as simple as food and eating, is not about your body, as much as it is about your mind. Actually it's getting command of your mind, to be able to choose actions that are in your own best interest.

Every day we are choosing that's not in our own best interest, so if the world is attacking you and the world wants to fight you and the world’s trying to hold you down, so you won't kick yourself in the balls, you are going to stop yourself from getting what you dream.


 Self-discipline is the center of all material success is by recognizing and it all depends on how you handle the good times, the way you handle your good years will determine. if you survive the bad news when the bad times come, you will become cynical, you will become critical you will become depressed, discouraged, you'll become negative, so that we will think right especially in the bad days because if we think right, we will do right, if we think right, we will act right.
 one man said we need a checkup from our neck up, I like that if you don't get a checkup from your neck up, you'll become guilty of stinking thinking and you'll begin to allow the bad to swallow up and eat up the good and that's not god's will for you to allow that to happen.

 You got a phone and you're not learning a second language that's your fault you got a phone and you don't know how to do calculus or any other important subject, that's your fault you got a cell phone a smartphone you can go on the internet and all you're doing is being social on it.

 The thing is to confront to the time, it’s the time to take ownership, we are victorious and more than conquerors not just in the good times but we're more than conquerors in the bad times. If you don't let the bad eat up the good, humans don't want to die because deep in their hearts they know that they have not finished what they were born to start, and that’s why they don't want to die.

 When a person have discovered their purpose and have fulfilled their destiny they welcome, death never threatens a human who discovers their purpose and became successful. Success is something that every human wants, everybody wants to succeed.

 But for you to succeed in life there are five questions you must answer and every human being on earth is trying to answer these questions. these five questions control the human race, these five questions motivate everything you do, these five questions are so powerful that they create everything in this planet that humans do, these five questions are the source of all of your problems, they are the source of all the crime in your country, they are the source of all of your broken homes, they are the source of all corruption, these five questions are the source of every problem the human faces is in these five questions.

 In other words our attempt to find the answer these five questions is the cause of all of our behavior as a matter of fact i have reduced all of human life to five questions,

1.       First question “who am I?”, it's a tough question to answer most people have never asked nor answered that question because it's a frightening question the average human never answers that question who am I.

2.        The second question that you must answer to become successful in life is, “where am I from?” Where am I from, again 99 of the world's population never answers that question that question has nothing to do with your ethnicity where am I from.

3.        The third question every human must answer to become successful on this planet is, “why am I here?” why was I conceived? Why was I born? And I am certain that most of you sitting here in this room still have not answered that question why am I here on this planet.

4.        The fourth question every human must answer to be successful is, “what can I do?” that question has to do with what am I capable of again over 90 of the world's population haven't answered that question.

5.       The last question every human is grappling with is the question, “where am I going? “It is the question of destiny where am I going?


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