study in silence let your success make the noise your success isn't recognized when you're studying until the early hours of the morning it's not recognized when you're the first person walking into the library at 7:00 in the morning yet this is where your success is made it's during the daily habits and routine when you're putting in the discipline and building your work ethic on a daily basis and applying these skills consistently this is what will push you to the next level it's the discipline that you cultivate in the lonely nights of studying in the early mornings to have the results you've got to be willing to do what everyone else is not willing to do you have to go places where everyone else is not willing to go if you look at the all-time greats all throughout history the top at 0.1% the true leaders the Titans look at what they do they don't seek short-term pleasure in everything they do that's what the 99% dude the top is 0.1% do the opposite because they understand that if you want to have a great life look at what the 99% do and do the opposite and if you are truly in the 0.1% be prepared your life will change like you can't even imagine you can help people on a scale that is unfathomable you can buy cars and houses like you didn't think was possible but be prepared as you start changing the world you will be called a freak a misfit greedy they'll say that you just got lucky but remember this if you don't have people hating on you then you're not there yet you can be world class or you can fit in with the world you don't get to do both and I'll leave you with the words of Matthew Hussey because this video was made for all the crazy people the irrational z' for everyone that doesn't want to just live an average life in order to craft a life that you love more than the life that you have today you have to start being a little irrational reasonable people adapt themselves to the world unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves all progress.
therefore depends on unreasonable people so you have two options right now you can either be one of life's reasonable people or you can be someone who's slightly unreasonable somebody who demands more from life and if you haven't already started you can start right now starting with one small decision how many hours are you planning on studying tonight or tomorrow ask yourself that right now how many hours are you planning on studying that's great now double it that's how many hours you will study tonight it's an easy first step to make so simple but it can kick you out of your comfort zone go with the non-traditional path the road less traveled be a leader be revolutionary.
ReplyDeleteGud job dear and true advice