google-site-verification=1zzCWyv7ku5ow4oPl01vgOs9XGpIzARSY1r4JGt_bmI Power Of Believe In Yourself


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Power Of Believe In Yourself

                                    Nothing can be achieved without the believe that you have on your own .sometimes it seems the easiest way to get what you want, but as you move on, the realization of hurdles and the social pressure suppress, even forces to stop, for this you have to just start to take that first step you can do, anything that you want them out, without thinking what you've been told and conditioned to think growing up start from today to believe that you can do anything. The need is to take those tiny little consistent baby steps every single day that add up to achieving that goals then amazing things happen when you believe that you have something, your brain actively goes out to make it happen, help in achieving that strong believes that you can do it and work hard to get it and it's yours.

                                         Actually we are all born with the same amount of time in a day and anything that they can do you can do too if you have something bad enough in that day, you doesn't need you to believe that It’s all my fault. if you're sweating up here crying and pour my heart out to you but if you have the mindset like nothing is ever going to change like some of you when they was doing that play and they were doing that skip, some of you felt it, they share my story but there was still a little voice in the back in your mind they say yeah but that's not really going to change. It’s easier to said than done no.. no.. no.. Listen to me, hear me loud but clear your mindset, your belief system is everything and it is so powerful.
You can call it a power of believe in yourself
                                            you were here for a reason, although going through some hard times, life at times might feel rough or you might feel weird or things might be frustrating but it's not going to always be like this you're conditioned it's not your conclusion there is so much more that's going to take place, there is so much more power that's inside you if you make up in your mind, I choose to believe that you could do great things only the need is to seriously think about your life. Everyone knows that life is a constant struggle you've got so many pressures on you, You want to make your family proud, you don't say you want to give good grades you want to make you proud but then you also have friends and you want to be cool in their eyes and you want to kind of fit in there and then some of you were in a really rare place you feel like people don't understand you.
                                          You feel like you're having a hard time to connect with people when you wake up in the morning you feel like you're in the slumps and you feel tired and drained like I get it I've got a message for you right the people those of you that's looking for us acceptance from others you're gonna have to make up in your mind and say you know what whether you accept me I'm amazing I'm smart I'm beautiful I'm talented because if not if you live for their acceptance you'll die from their rejection so you got to tell yourself, repeatedly that I'm amazing and I know I'm smart and those of you that feel like you're in a really weird place those of you that feel like nobody understands you those of you that feels like men I'm just here but I'm not having a hard time connecting with people you lost your zeal you lost your passion and the point of living. Here's my advice to you don't keep it to yourself the worst thing that you can do, when you're in that dark place, you should just let that things push you off in the corner, and come to the light and be bold and be brave enough and be vulnerable enough to say, that you can do anything that any celebrity can do, even more optimist than those.
                                         You have the power to brighten somebody's day your words are powerful your energy is powerful. You have to avoid to paint such a negative picture in your mind. Your brain can do everything, fix disappointment. It’s going to be hard work and it's going to take ages your brain fix pain and avoids it. The first thing you've got to do is to get, what you want is believe that you can believe it's possible for you to have it. the next thing you got to start doing is focusing all the good that will happen when you get what you want not all this you got to go through to get there focus on how your life will be better and what your life will look like when you get what you want focus on all this in your life now and how I'm getting what you want and get away from all that you this and your brain will think that by helping you get what you want you're moving away from pain and towards pleasure, that you can do anything.
                                          Here, in this old story a gentleman was walking through an elephant camp and in spite that the elephants weren't being kept in cages or anything like that are being held by chains all that was holding them back from escape in the camp was this small little piece of rope that was attached to their ankle as the man gazed upon the elephants he was completely confused as to why the elephants didn't just use a will its strength to break the rope and escape the camp they could easily have done so but instead they didn't try it all the men was curious and wanted to know more so he asked one of the trainer's nearby why for the elephants were just stand-in there and never even tried to escape and the trainer replied when they're very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and at that age is enough to actually hold them and stop breaking out as they grow up they're conditioned to believe that they can't break away they believe that the Rope can still hold them so they never even try to break free the only reason that the elephants weren't break him free and escaping from the camp, they're over time they've adopted this belief that it was impossible the moral lapse story is that no matter how much the world tries to hold you back always continue to believe that what you want to achieve is possible.

                                          you know believing you can do something successful is the most important step in actually achieving it you can do and be anything that you want them out what no matter what you've been told and conditioned to think growing up start from today to believe that you can have that thing that you want all right it's yours it's staring you in the face right in front of you we've got to take it all the while you're standing around waiting doubting yourself telling yourself you can't have this and you can't have that for whatever reason you're never going to get it just like that elephant you might have this little rope around your leg conditioned to think that it's holding you back but you're big enough and strong enough to take on the world you've just got to believe it's possible so believe.

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  1. Amazing article... By this we can recognize ourselves who are we, why we are born... And start believing in our abilities which ALLAH PAK give to us.. Keep it up and share the positive stuff

  2. Good🙂keep it up🙃

  3. Awsam... Vv positive stuff.. Keep it up

  4. Well its a basic rule of life of adulthood and that is what keep you going. Its always your Will that pulls you through all the hardship. Everyone knows it, its just few of us acknowledge it and most of us accept life as it is and call it fate. I personally don't believe in fate this way. My ideology of fate fate is you give your 100% towards your goals and desires and then leave it whatever happens as a result after that is your fate. Very boring article with bad english where the writer is just going on n on about you can do it n its powerful.
    Well every human being knows it. Only few choose to make their life with their will and most of them choose to accept it.
